
Đông London
Đánh giá: 5 Nhận xét: 1

A new digital communication innovation which is set to make a mark in the world of broadcasting. KNR was established under the umbrella company, Keith Ngesi Media (KNM) that has been established as a real content production company in South Africa. Its modern business is based on the accomplishment of development and socio-economic news in South Africa.

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Thông tin về đài phát thanh

KNR was founded based on KNM’s decision to diversify its products in an online communication channel to help its clients reach the global community. KNM started as Keith Ngesi Audio Production (KNAP) in 2006, and after 10 full years of its existence – the company reviewed its vision and Keith Ngesi Media was birthed.

Liên hệ với đài

Địa chỉ 6-8 Donald Rd | Vincent | East London | 5217
Điện thoại: +27 43 012 5007
Trang web:
WhatsApp: +27818154754
Facebook: @keithngesiradio
Youtube: @keithngesiradio6028featured