Crim Radio

Đánh giá: 5 Nhận xét: 1

Crim Radio is DEDICATED to streaming New Independent Rock and Metal bands from around the world. Focused on the New and Independent, but streaming along side the big guys. This allows for comparison between Independent and Signed, letting everyone know what they are missing by not catching the local scene.

BÀI HÁT ĐẦU BẢNG trên Crim Radio

  • Elegy of Madness — Es
  • Apotheus — Redshift
  • Parkway Drive — …
  • Heartsick Heroine — Dead Like Me
  • Alice Sweet Alice — Floodwaters
  • Davey Suicide — Sick Suicide
  • 10 Rogue — Revolution Calling
  • Sun & Flesh — Heaven
  • Alchemy Fire — Dust from Bone
  • Egokills — Shift

Đánh giá Crim Radio

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Thông tin về đài phát thanh

Working with many others that support Independent bands as well as supporting the local scene, Crim Radio strives to help get those willing to work the exposure they need and deserve.

Crim Radio started as a project, in 2012, and a way for me (John TC Lockett) to listen to my music anywhere. Playing New and Current rock, people starting enjoying listening and so it grew to what you see now. I am passionate about music and enjoy sharing with everyone. I am always looking for new bands signed and unsigned. So enjoy listening and please share with your friends

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Trang web:
Facebook: @crimradio
Twitter: @CrimRadio