
Đánh giá: 5 Nhận xét: 1

Hello ! We are dirtybass.fm, a UK based internet radio station. We’ve been broadcasting for the past 8 years and we’re looking for DJs that want a bit of exposure to help fill our schedule. We have DJs from all around the globe that mix for us, so whichever timezone you’re in, we can make it work. null

BÀI HÁT ĐẦU BẢNG trên Dirtybass

  • Wimble - The Ultimate.Return
  • wimble — Drift
  • ANTHA — Aftrwrd
  • Cj Beep — Alone On the Night Street
  • Natsu — Cruisin'
  • Lamp Camp, Antoanesko - Soft Moon (Antoanesko Remix)
  • Native — Action
  • NeuralNET - The Darkside 14-11-14
  • antoanesko — Lufterray
  • Cj Beep — Acid Water View

Đánh giá Dirtybass

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Facebook: @dirtybassfm