Local Sounds Byron Bay

Vịnh byron, Úc
Đánh giá: 5 Nhận xét: 1

Local Sounds Byron Bay is Northern Rivers' newest streaming radio station. Local Sounds has a vision for radio in regional cities that mixes great music with information that is relevant for locals and tourists. Local Sounds Byron Bay utilises the latest technology including streaming apps, smart speakers, Apple CarPlay, social media and website to provide tourists a compelling reason to visit the region. Visit https://localsounds.com.au for the Greatest Hits + Local Artists.

BÀI HÁT ĐẦU BẢNG trên Local Sounds Byron Bay

  • Tin Parlour — Van Man
  • Yazmindi — Fly Away
  • Mandy Hawkes — Black Dog
  • Hayley Grace & The Bay Collective — No Idea
  • Hayley Grace & The Bay Collective — High Vibes
  • Hudson Rose — Dancing On the Tables
  • Human Dinosaur Machine — Trash
  • Frank — Home
  • The Magnificence — Woe Is Me
  • Blinders Band of Rock — Saturday

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Trang web:
Facebook: @localsoundsbyronbay
Twitter: @LocalSounds
Youtube: @localsoundsradio
Instagram: @localsoundsbyronbay