Exclusively Roxette

Đánh giá: 5 Nhận xét: 1

A Swedish pop rock duo, consisting of Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle, they broke through to international success in the 90's and were active until Marie's death in 2019. All Roxette All The Time.


BÀI HÁT ĐẦU BẢNG trên Exclusively Roxette

  • Roxette — Almost Unreal
  • Roxette — Sleeping In My Car
  • Roxette — A Thing About You
  • Roxette — You Don't Understand Me
  • Roxette — Crash! Boom! Bang!
  • Roxette — Fireworks
  • Roxette — Dressed for Success
  • Roxette — Fading Like a Flower (Every Time You Leave)
  • Roxette — Wish I Could Fly
  • Roxette — Spending My Time

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