Sangeetmala Radio

Парамарібо, 99.3-100.1 MHz FM
Рейтинг: 5 Відгуків: 1

Sangeetmala, known as SGM, is longer than 20 years a reliable medium in Suriname.


Відгуки про Sangeetmala Radio

Відгуків про Sangeetmala Radio поки немає.

Інформація про радіо

While in 1988 the radio station was established it was heard by many mostly Hindus. Over the years there was because of the large listening figures need for expansion. At the end of the year 1999 was started programs on TV. SGM channel 26 became a reality and is now impossible to think in Suriname. SGM is known for productions bollywood, hollywood, documentaries, cartoons and own productions.

Контакти радіостанції

Адреса Indira Gandhiweg #40 Wanica – Suriname
Телефон: +482392 | 482390 | 485893