Riphah FM 102.2

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Riphah International University established its campus radio Riphah FM 102.2 in 2009. Riphah FM 102.2 was established with the following objectives: education with commitment; information with complete truth; entertainment with ethics. Riphah FM 102.2 works in alignment with the vision of Riphah International University: establishment of state-of-the-art educational institutions with a focus on inculcating Islamic ethical values.Riphah FM 102.2 not only brings educational, informational and entertaining programming fair to the RIU students and community, but also provides a platform to the students to build their communication and presentation skills in a professional working media environment. It provides them hands-on training in audio production: script writing, anchoring and editing.


Відгуки про Riphah FM 102.2

Відгуків про Riphah FM 102.2 поки немає.

Інформація про радіо

The following need oriented activities are carried out by Riphah FM 102.2:

Supporting material for students.

Extra curriculum activities.

Distance learning programs.

Media course on in relevant fields/radio producer, DJ/voice over/radio acting/audio engineering.

Motivational programs/campaign

Admission campaign

Social work

Public Relation

Контакти радіостанції

Адреса The Al-Mizan Campus, 274, Old-supreme court building, Peshawar Road, Pakistan.
Телефон: +92 51 111 510 510
Facebook: @FM102.2
Youtube: @UCTQebfv-TAbckOlE5ApEmRw