Jubilee Hospital Radio

Сент -Ендрю
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Jubilee Hospital Radio has been serving the patients and staff of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey since 1978. Broadcasting 24/7 to the hospital and beyond we have an assortment of different programmes and great music to suit all tastes. 7 days a week our team host live shows covering a wide variety of musical genres and they are also on hand to play any requests and dedications for the patients! Family and friends can send requests in too, either via the Jubilee Hospital Radio app for iOS or Android, via email, or via our website. We'd love to hear from them!


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Контакти радіостанції

Адреса Jubilee Hospital Radio, Princess Elizabeth Hospital, Rue Mignot, St Andrews, Guernsey, Channel Islands. GY4 6UU
Телефон: +441481700400
Facebook: @Jubileeradio
Twitter: @jubileeradio