CBC Radio One

Вікторія, 90.5 MHz FM
Рейтинг: 5 Відгуків: 1

CBC Radio One Victoria - CBCV-FM is a broadcast station from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, playing Entertainment, News, Public.

Відгуки про CBC Radio One

Відгуків про CBC Radio One поки немає.

Інформація про радіо

CBCV-FM is a Canadian radio station, which broadcasts the programming of the CBC Radio One network in Victoria, British Columbia, and throughout Vancouver Island and the Southern Gulf Islands. It also reaches out to parts of Washington north of Everett, Washington, but is harder to listen to because of KSER in Snohomish County on 90.7.

It was the most listened to radio station in the Victoria Market in the Spring 2013 BBM Ratings.

Контакти радіостанції

Адреса 700 Hamilton Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4A2
Телефон: +1 604-662-6000
Facebook: @CBCVancouverisland
Twitter: @cbcradio
Youtube: @CBCtv
Instagram: @cbcradio
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBCV-FM