Heart South Wales

Cardiff, 105.4 MHz FM
Puan: 5 Yorumlar: 1

Heart Wales is a broadcast radio station in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, providing Top 40 Adult Contemporary Pop and Rock music on a variety of frequencies throughout Wales as part of the Heart radio network.

Heart South Wales yorumları

Heart South Wales için henüz yorum yok.

Radyo iletişimi

Adres Red Dragon Centre, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, CF10 4DJ
Telefon: +02920 315100
Facebook: @thisisheartofficial
Twitter: @heartwales
Youtube: @HeartRadioMusic
Instagram: @thisisheart
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_South_Wales

Studio Telephone Number: 0345 6888877

text 82122, with the message with WALES