Nga Iwi FM

Hauraki, 92.2-99.6 MHz FM
Puan: 5 Yorumlar: 1

To Empower The Voice of Hauraki and Hear it in all its beauty throughout all of its Tribal Regions. here to broadcast out loud and Proud of New Zealand’s number one community – Paeroa. You can rely on Nga Iwi FM

Te Reo

Nga Iwi FM yorumları

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Radyo hakkında bilgi

Blaze out to the hottest hip hop, Rnb and a healthy dose of our own Native people of Hauraki!

Hecka, with Live streaming over the internet we can even entertain the family from Paris to worldwide

Parihaka. What started as a dream remains to be YOUR station was, and you know what – Nga Iwi FM wouldnt

have it any other way!

Radyo iletişimi

Adres 5 Princes Street, PO Box 135 - Paeroa, Hauraki
Telefon: +64 7-862 6247
Facebook: @ngaiwifmthevoiceofhauraki

Fax: 07-862 6279