Islam in The Gambia

การจัดอันดับ: 5 รีวิว: 1

As stated above, this page is dedicated to the Gambian Muslim community who dedicate their life in this wolrld entirely to their creator, and abstains from forbidden acts legislated by Allah the almighty.

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it is dedicated to those who reject innovations in the religion and authentically calls to the way of the prophet in accordance with the understanding of the sahabas and those who follow their path. Thus this page will purposely be a domain to seek authentic Islamic knowledge. where the righteous will encourage each other to remain steadfast on the path of the Salaf. We also welcome and encourage the broader Gambian society (non-Muslims included) to seek interest in learning about this beautiful religion. We strive on the path of non denomination. We are not a group or part of the many sects we see in our region, rather our effort is only to spread and illuminate islam in an educative and interactive fashion. Islam is one, and who soever is inline with the Aqeehad of Alhu sunnah is part of our family and we are part of theirs.


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Facebook: @islaminthegambia
Twitter: @islaminzgambia