The Wimbledon Radio Channel

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Live @ Wimbledon Radio will broadcast from 9 am to close of play. Marcus Buckland and Mary Rhodes lead the team across the fortnight and are joined by experienced broadcasters and former players including Todd Martin, Wayne Ferreira, Thomas Enqvist and Barry Cowan. You will hear the latest news from all the courts plus some commentary on the big matches on Centre Court and Number One Court. The team also bring to life the whole Wimbledon experience from the queues, to the passion on the Hill as well as an insight into what goes on behind the scenes of one of the world's most historic sporting events.


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Адрес Wimbledon SW19 5AE London, United Kingdom
Телефон: +(+44) (0)20 8944 106
Twitter: @Wimbledon

Wimbledon SW19 5AE London, United Kingdom