Angel Radio

Невозможно, 89.3 MHz FM
Рейтинг: 5 Отзывов: 1

Angel Radio provides nostalgic entertainment, relevant information and mental & physical stimulation for older people and anybody who enjoys the music of the 1920s through to the 1960s. Over the past twenty years on air Angel Radio has received many awards for its unique work, including: Best Radio Station Serving Listeners in the South of England, 2014. The judges of this prestigious award from the Radio Academy described Angel Radio as; “A station with its own unique place and purpose, Angel Radio celebrates the past in a warm and inclusive way and is clearly adored within its target demographic. With a charming mix of fun, nostalgia and practical support for its listeners, the station serves a very powerful purpose in bringing together a community and giving them a place to belong.”


Отзывы о Angel Radio

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Контакты радиостанции

Адрес 17 Market Parade, Havant Hampshire, PO9 1PY United Kingdom
Телефон: +023 9248 1988
Facebook: @http:www.facebook.comangelhavant

Reception: 0800 014 1955

Studio: 023 9249 8556