Radio Awaz

Атт, 107 MHz FM
Рейтинг: 5 Отзывов: 1

Radio Awaz is a winning name in FM broadcasting, Comprising professionals. The principle goal of Radio Awaz is to turn Radio into a source of Entertainment, Education and Current Affairs, making the radio more interactive with people


Отзывы о Radio Awaz

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Информация о радио

Waving through Fifteen (15) most powerful and state of the art FM Stereo Transmitters/Radio Stations, RADIO AWAZ FM is the largest FM Radio Network of Pakistan and the ONLY largest FM Network of Punjab

Контакты радиостанции

Адрес Street No. 30, House No. 302, F-11/2, Islamabad.
Телефон: +051-2228516, 051-8317615
Facebook: @radioawazattock107
Twitter: @radioawazfm

Telephone +92 332 8107107

Fax: 051-8317617