ABC South East NSW

Бега, 88.9-106.3 MHz FM
Рейтинг: 5 Отзывов: 1

ABC South East NSW provides comprehensive coverage of local news, state and national news and we focus on the issues and events that affect and shape our region.

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Контакты радиостанции

Адрес 184 Carp Street Bega, NSW, 2550
Телефон: +61 2 6491 6011
Facebook: @abcsoutheastnsw
Twitter: @abcaustralia
Youtube: @UC5iLnYoF4Ryb63YdGD9RfWQ
Instagram: @abcaustralia

Postal: PO Box 336 Bega 2550

ABC enquiries: 13 9994

Talkback only: 1300 810 222

SMS: 0467 922 684