ABC Brisbane

Брисбен, 612 kHz AM
Рейтинг: 5 Отзывов: 1

The first radio station in Brisbane was launched by the Government of Queensland in 1925 and was called 4QG (abbreviation for Queensland Government). ABC Radio Brisbane is the second station in Brisbane. It started broadcasting on January 07, 1938 and the initial name of the station was 4QR. At the moment it’s not only one of the oldest stations in Queensland but also one of the largest ones.

Отзывы о ABC Brisbane

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Информация о радио

ABC FM radio Brisbane (4QR) is a talk radio and it covers national, statewide and local topics. According to Google Search statistics many people use the keyword “latest news Brisbane ABC” on a monthly basis. It means that this radio station became a trusted source of information for local residents.

This radio is available live on air, online and in a digital format. At this page of our website you can listen to ABC Brisbane online radio. So happy listening to ABC FM Brisbane but don’t forget to check other Australian and worldwide radio stations listed at our website.

Контакты радиостанции

Адрес 114 Grey Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101, (GPO Box 9994 Brisbane QLD 4001)
Телефон: +61 (07) 3377 5222
Facebook: @abcinbrisbane
Twitter: @abcbrisbane
Youtube: @UC5iLnYoF4Ryb63YdGD9RfWQ
Instagram: @abcaustralia

SMS: +61 0467 922 612

Talkback: +61 1300 222 612