Express sexy souls

Londra, 99.6 MHz FM
Evaluare: 5 Voturi: 1

Bringing the flavors of music together, this station is dedicated to playing old skool, r&b, soul Motown, reggae, jazz, soca and plenty more. the music is for everyone to listen 24/7 for every mood, serving the community near and far. Different DJ's on selected nights - Heads gone Mondays, come back Thursdays, throwback Thursdays, sexy souls Saturdays, easy bounce Sundays and many more. All DJ's have been playing for many years together and separately.


Cele mai bune piese la Express sexy souls

  • Michael Gordon — Red Rose n Wine

Recenzii despre Express sexy souls

Nu există recenzii pentru Express sexy souls încă.

Contact radio

WhatsApp: +07538864722