KUNR Public Radio

Reno, 88.7 MHz FM
Classificação: 5 Votos: 1

Exceptional local and national news, information, programs and people - that's what KUNR is. Inform, inspire, entertain and engage - that's what KUNR does. We're proud to serve our vast region of some 50,000 listeners in roughly 20 communities throughout northern Nevada and northeastern California.

Comentários sobre KUNR Public Radio

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Contato de rádio

Endereço 1664 North Virginia St. Reno, NV 89557-0294
Telefone: +1 775-327-5386
Facebook: @KUNRPublicRadio
Twitter: @KUNRPublicRadio
Youtube: @UC2xWh0afPf-LPB_XsvTVkOQ
Instagram: @kunrpublicradio
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KUNR

Fax: (775) 327-5386