Globe Radio

Ocena: 5 Głosy: 1

Globe Radio (Ghana) Globe Radio is a private radio station in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It is owned and run by the SAFEH MEDIA NETWORK, headed by Adobasom Kwame safeh. It broadcasts in the English and Akan-Twi Language.

Najlepsze utwory na Globe Radio

  • Sarkodie — Happy Day (feat. Kuami Eugene)
  • Fameye — Long Life (feat. Kwesi Arthur)
  • Akwaboah — Forget (feat. Strongman)

Recenzje o Globe Radio

Nie ma jeszcze recenzji dla Globe Radio.

Kontakt z radiem

Adres AD-129-7455 Kumasi Dumanafo
Telefon: +0202679730
Strona internetowa:
WhatsApp: +0202679730

AD-129-7455 Kumasi Dumanafo