
Ocena: 5 Głosy: 1

A tribute station dedicated to the memory of Canadas original licensed oldies station in the 70s and 80s FM108. Featuring some of the oroiginal jocks and great memory music as played back in the days of FM108.

Najlepsze utwory na Oldies108

  • wonder — Pretti <3 <3 <3
  • Copycat — 2 - 2 - 2 - 2
  • Lou — 1 1 1

Recenzje o Oldies108

Nie ma jeszcze recenzji dla Oldies108.

Kontakt z radiem

Adres 96 Horning Drive Hamilton Ont L9C6L1
Telefon: +905-741-8101
Strona internetowa:
WhatsApp: +380955550077