Exclusively John Lee Hooker

Ocena: 5 Głosy: 1

The son of a share cropper he adapted Delta Blues to the electric guitar and became a blues legend. All John Lee Hooker All The Time.

Najlepsze utwory na Exclusively John Lee Hooker

  • John Lee Hooker — Boom Boom
  • John Lee Hooker — Crawlin' King Snake
  • John Lee Hooker — Blues Before Sunrise
  • John Lee Hooker — Wednesday Evening Blues
  • John Lee Hooker — I Love You Honey
  • John Lee Hooker — Dimples
  • John Lee Hooker — Shake, Holler and Run
  • John Lee Hooker — Turn Over a New Leaf
  • John Lee Hooker — Huckle Up Baby
  • John Lee Hooker — Letter to My Baby

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