Belter Radio

Penilaian: 5 Undian: 1

Belter Radio is a UK-based Radio Station with a Worldwide audience and a truly diverse and International Team of presenters. Not content with just broadcasting Mainstream music, Belter Radio also showcases Independent and Unsigned Artists from every musical genre. Artists are encouraged to interact with presenters in the lively chatroom, whilst also comparing notes and stories with like-minded musicians.

Lagu Teratas di Belter Radio

  • Charlie Baker — Late Night Talking
  • M4CHA — Lighten Up (Baby)
  • Timothy Craig — Broken Branches
  • Birrell Or Biscuit — Mr Black Sheep
  • STONZEY — Distant Lands
  • The Hedrons — Only When It Rains
  • The Ormidales — Let's Just Pretend
  • Kildesco — Wasteland
  • Ben Reel — Drifting
  • Papa Satch — Where I'm Going

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Facebook: @profile.php?id=100063716764916
Twitter: @BelterRadio