Limpopo Lifestyle HD Radio

Vērtējums: 5 Balsis: 1

Your Lifestyle, Your Music. (Stay tuned) Limpopo Lifestyle Radio a radio station which focuses on a style of house music that emerged in South Africa in 2017. Makompo is a hybrid of deep house, jazz and lounge music characterized by synths, Vocals, airy pads and wide and percussive basslines. Founder and Established by Dj-Tiiso


Top dziesmas Limpopo Lifestyle HD Radio

  • MÖRDA — Mhungana (feat. Brenden Praise & Fatso AMG)

Limpopo Lifestyle HD Radio atsauksmes

Limpopo Lifestyle HD Radio vēl nav atsauksmju.

Informācija par radio

Please Help grow our Radio station by donating to (Capitec Bank) Mr T Ledwaba - 1825986647 .Any amount will be highly appreciated, Thank you!!

Radio kontaktpersonas

Adrese 54a Mogoto, Zebediela, Limpopo, South Africa
Telefons: +27 82 920 2787
WhatsApp: +27784336029