One Love Radio Live

Floridas pilsēta
Vērtējums: 5 Balsis: 1

South Florida #1 Caribbean and International Radio Station


One Love Radio Live atsauksmes

One Love Radio Live vēl nav atsauksmju.

Informācija par radio

Welcome to One Love Radio the #1 Caribbean and International Online Radio Station in South Florida The time has come for the rebuilding of our Culture with both music, interacting with our community and Social Involvement. We have the best in Soul, Oldies , Ska , Funk, Reggae, Blues, Calypso, RnB,Gospel and Classic Rock

Radio kontaktpersonas

Adrese 5079 N Dixie Hwy #200 Oakland Park FL,33334
Telefons: +Office:954-523-9645 954-289-6566