
Vērtējums: 5 Balsis: 1

We are a non-profit site ran by a community of DJ's playing house, deep house, tech house, hard house, trance, techno, garage, speed garage and drum & bass. We are all about the music so we do not have MC's and while some of our live shows are presented, other DJ's just let the music roll.

Top dziesmas PDLive.net

  • A-LIVE — Pure
  • 27 — Replay
  • The — Replay
  • Carlos — Filthy
  • Live Boy Scooter — Live Live
  • Replay — 24
  • Live 4eva — Long Live Live
  • Unknown — Feel Amazing
  • Carlos — Filthy

PDLive.net atsauksmes

PDLive.net vēl nav atsauksmju.

Radio kontaktpersonas

Facebook: @pdlivenet
Instagram: @pdlivenet