Beat This

Cebu pilsēta
Vērtējums: 5 Balsis: 1

Beat This Philippines is a concept show that started around June 2017 in association with Local Vocal Radio heard on terrestrial radio station, Magic 92.3 Cebu. The idea was to compile and feature music from the Philippines that are in the electronic beats and digital sound production category.


Beat This atsauksmes

Beat This vēl nav atsauksmju.

Informācija par radio

We showcase a wide range of genre dedicated to what most call "computer music" including Hip Hop, EDM, Indie-Alternative and Pop. Our goal is to document and share to you Philippines' best music producers, beat makers, sound designers and the artists that are in it. Going on its second year, we want you to join, listen and most importantly, ENJOY the music you hear. We are now available online and on air, this is BEAT THIS RADIO, The Future is Homegrown.

Radio kontaktpersonas

Telefons: +639176236969
Facebook: @beatthisph
Twitter: @beatthisph
Youtube: @beatthisphfeatured