Pērkona līcis, 102.7 MHz FM
Vērtējums: 5 Balsis: 1

LU Radio is Thunder Bay's only Campus and Community Radio station, dedicated to bringing you music, information, news and entertainment that you won't find on the airwaves anywhere else in Thunder Bay.


LU atsauksmes

LU vēl nav atsauksmju.

Informācija par radio

LU Radio, also known as CILU 102.7FM, is a non-profit, campus based community radio station. What this means is that the majority of our programming comes from students and community members right here in Thunder Bay. All programming is done on a volunteer basis, and the majority of tasks at the radio station are done by our volunteers as well.

Radio kontaktpersonas

Adrese 707 Oliver Rd. Thunder Bay, ON P7B 2H8
Telefons: +main line: +1 807-343-8881, booth: +1 807-766-7207
Facebook: @luradio102.7
Twitter: @luradio1027