Air FM Rainbow

Delhi, 102.6 MHz FM
評価: 5 投票: 1

AIR FM Rainbow India was formerly known as AIR FM Rainbow Delhi. It was rebranded with new look targeting audience of not only Delhi but also entire India. It also changed its programming patern & presentation also. Currently it serves 24×7 service through DTH. Main genres of programmes are Bollywood music and Western music. It airs total 4 hours of Western music. Besides this it airs Music shows, Request shows, Interviews & Information programmes in Hindi with Filmi Music. AIR FM Rainbow India Headlines are broadcast every hour at starting of programme according to its language i.e. Hindi or English.


Air FM Rainbow のレビュー

Air FM Rainbow のレビューはありません。


住所 Kundan Lal Sehgal Rd, Pandit Pant Marg Area, Sansad Marg Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110001
電話: +91 11 2342 1170
Facebook: @AIR-FM-Rainbow-1026-418272245050259