Radio Christian Voice

Lusaka, 106.1 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

RCV is an independent radio station in Zambia, established by CV in 1994. Our programming delivers biblical content geared towards enabling all members of the family become mature Christians who live and share their faith daily. RCV transmits to millions of listeners within seven provinces of Zambia.

Recensioni su Radio Christian Voice

Non ci sono recensioni per Radio Christian Voice.

Informazioni sulla radio

Our vision:

To see every Christian in Zambia living out their faith daily and sharing it boldly.

Our Mission:

To empower and equip believers for the Great Commission by delivering godly and relevant content that speaks to each member of the family.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo Alick Nkhata, Lusaka, Zambia, 10101
Telefono: +260 960200490
Sito web:
Facebook: @RadioChristianVoice
Youtube: @rcv.zambia
Instagram: @rcvzambia