Sikhnet Radio - Nanak Naam Jahaj

Jersey City
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

SikhNet provides spiritual education & resources in a non-judgmental, neutral environment intended to inspire and uplift all those who participate. A pressing need for a place of worship and communal service to cater for the needs of the community of Sikhs in Jersey City led to the setting up of "Nanak Naam Jahaj Gurdwara" in October 2008. The Gurudwara is conveniently located near "Indian Street" at Journal Square in Jersey City.


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Contatti radio

Indirizzo 1080 West side Ave, Jersey City NJ 07306
Telefono: +(201) 432 1122
Sito web:
Facebook: @sikhnet
Twitter: @sikhnet
Youtube: @sikhnet