KWSO 91.9 FM

Sorgenti calde
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

KWSO 91.9 FM is a non-commercial community radio station owned and operated by The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon. The mission of KWSO radio is to provide Warm Springs with quality radio programming that: delivers local news and information; promotes education, cultural knowledge and language preservation; and increases awareness of social, health and safety issues.

Recensioni su KWSO 91.9 FM

Non ci sono recensioni per KWSO 91.9 FM.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo PO Box 489, 4174 Highway 3 Warm Springs, OR, US 97761
Telefono: +1 541-553-1968
Sito web:
Facebook: @KWSOnews
Twitter: @kwso
Youtube: @KWSOradio
Instagram: @kwso_91.9fm