GFM 96.6 FM

Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

Local people ran Gloucester FM community radio station, with the emphasis on local issues, information, advice and music reflecting our multi cultural community. I am very proud to say the community has confirmed the need for a community radio station in Gloucester.

Recensioni su GFM 96.6 FM

Non ci sono recensioni per GFM 96.6 FM.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo Gloucester FM, The Trust Centre Conduit Street, Gloucester GL1 4XH
Telefono: +01452 525 425
Sito web:
Facebook: @gloucesterfm96.6
Twitter: @http:twitter.comgloucesterfm
Instagram: @gloucesterfm_96.6

Studio Telephone : 01452 546 400