Capital FM

Newcastle sul Tyne, 105.3-106.4 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

The brand-new Capital Network is the UK’s first national commercial pop station, broadcasting from London, Scotland, the North East, Yorkshire, Manchester, Birmingham, East Midlands, South Wales and across the South Coast – reaching 6.5 million listeners every week. Capital FM offers the very best Hit Music, the hottest showbiz & artist interviews, massive money-can’t-buy competitions, up-to-date local news and traffic & travel throughout the day. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, 95-106 Capital FM delivers a winning formula of the greatest, freshest tunes from the world’s biggest artists.

Recensioni su Capital FM

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Contatti radio

Indirizzo Capital North East, 7th Floor, Wellbar Central, 36 Gallowgate,Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4TD
Telefono: +0191 444 2500, 0333 999 1056, 0191 444 2550
Sito web:
Facebook: @capitalofficial
Twitter: @CapitalOfficial
Youtube: @CapitalFMOfficial
Instagram: @capitalofficial