Fresh FM

Nelson, 88.9-107.2 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

Fresh FM is a Community Access station, broadcasting content made By, For and About people in our region. Our programme mix includes discussions, drama, music and documentaries that reflect the top of the South Island.


Recensioni su Fresh FM

Non ci sono recensioni per Fresh FM.

Informazioni sulla radio

We area a not-for-profit entity administered by a registered charitable trust. We do not produce programme content, but provide facilities and support to enable people and organisations within our wider community, to enable them to produce their own shows.

Our programme makers represent the Nelson/Tasman and Marlborough regions in the broadest sense. They are passionate individuals, giving their own time to make radio programmes that reflect the life stream of our community.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo 87 Atawhai Drive Nelson 7010 New Zealand
Telefono: +03 546 9891
Sito web:
Facebook: @FreshFM.NZ