Butwal FM

Butwl, 94.4 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

utwal FM (94.4 MHz) has established on 7th Asar, 2059 B.S. under Siddhartha Media Services Pvt. Ltd. With the basic objectives to broadcast entertainment, awareness and educational programmes. Butwal FM is committed to contribute to the development of nation's mass media. It's programmes are lunching everyday with regular schedule of 18 hours with verities of performances which targets different age group listeners.Butwal FM will offer in particular classical, folk and modern music to suit the taste of its various listeners.


Top brani su Butwal FM

  • ID 00
  • PM — Time
  • Time — 2:15 Am
  • Night Beats — Celebration #1
  • Prime Time — 6:28 Am
  • 9 Am — Take Your Time
  • Check 12 — Time
  • Time — 11:05 Am
  • by 3 pm — Time After Time

Recensioni su Butwal FM

Non ci sono recensioni per Butwal FM.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo Butwal FM 94.4 MHz Butwal-12, Kalikanager
Telefono: +071-438573 071-438574
Sito web:
Facebook: @butwalfm

Fax: 071- 438572