Rainbow FM Kochi 107.5

Kochi, 107.5 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

AIR FM Rainbow is a group of FM radio channels across India. The group of stations was previously called FM Metro, but the name was changed to FM Rainbow in 2002. The group is run by All India Radio, or AIR, a government owned enterprise. Rainbow FM Kochi features Malayalam and regional language songs, and providing hourly news in Malayalam.

हिन्दी, English, മലയാളം, தமிழ்

Recensioni su Rainbow FM Kochi 107.5

Non ci sono recensioni per Rainbow FM Kochi 107.5.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo Bharathmatha College Rd, Mythripuram, Vazhakkala, Kakkanadu, Kerala 682021, India
Telefono: +04842428101, 9446411888
Sito web:
WhatsApp: +918281875124
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIR_FM_Rainbow