Dublin's Q102

Dublino, 102.0 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

Dublin's Q102 is a broadcast radio station in Dubln, Ireland, United Kingdom, providing Classic Rock, Pop and R&B Hits music. The station is licensed to target the 35+ age group, and must provide hourly news, as well as current events programming. Dublin's Q102 - Always playing the right song right now!


Recensioni su Dublin's Q102

Non ci sono recensioni per Dublin's Q102.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo Macken House Mayor Street Upper Dublin 1
Telefono: +353 1 850 6500
Sito web:
WhatsApp: +0834242102
Facebook: @dublinsq102
Twitter: @q102feelgood
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin's_Q102