
Livno, 91.5-100.9 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

Radio Livno broadcasts 24/7, they will has nonstop new music, rap, rock and roll, hip-hop, state of hypnosis, electronica property, region, smooth etc new music stay on the web. To produce the particular children’s associated with the particular new music earth they will embellish the playlist along with tunes.


Recensioni su Livno

Non ci sono recensioni per Livno.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo Kneza Mutimira 29, Livno
Telefono: +387 34 201-888, marketing: 202-804, 201-802, studio: 201-888
Sito web:
WhatsApp: +38763945945
Facebook: @radiolivno