Yolŋu Radio

Darwin, 1530 MHz FM
Valutazione: 5 Recensioni: 1

Yolngu Radio is a community development radio station providing information, music and entertainment to the Yolngu people of northeast Arnhem Land. We broadcast in the languages of the Yolngu people. We broadcast to six major communities and 30 homelands in northeast Arnhem Land as well as Darwin and Palmerston. 15 of our 22 transmitter sites are remote homelands where Yolngu radio is the only media service freely available.

Recensioni su Yolŋu Radio

Non ci sono recensioni per Yolŋu Radio.

Contatti radio

Indirizzo 75 Chesterfield Cct, 0880 Nhulunbuy, Australia
Telefono: +61 1800 899 769
Sito web:
Facebook: @YolnguRadio
Youtube: @cYolnguRadioARDS
Instagram: @yolnguradio