Lexington, 93.9 MHz FM
Penilaian: 5 Ulasan: 1

We empower the community by engaging listeners with local, timely, and relevant information and opinion that positively impact safety and quality of life in Lexington.

Lagu Teratas di WLXU

  • Lowtone Music — The Road
  • Rose Royce — Car Wash
  • Esther Akinola — Everything is Possible
  • Reuben Wilson — Hot Rod
  • Twisterium — A Morning Kiss
  • Montgomery Gentry — My Town
  • Wesley Saylor — Stay Far Away
  • Eagles — Life In the Fast Lane
  • penguinmusic — Velvet Nights
  • Gaki — !

Ulasan tentang WLXU

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Kontak Radio

Alamat 123 E Sixth St, Lexington, KY 40508
Telepon: +1 859-721-5688
Situs web:
Twitter: @radiolex_eng
Youtube: @UC1OaNk2eZ9UYj7r7CWYTZBA
Instagram: @radiolex.eng