Business Radio X

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Broadcasting live from the heart of downtown Chattanooga, Chattanooga Business Radio interviews business owners and entrepreneurs from the River City’s leading companies.

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BusinessRadioX® interviews dozens of innovative entrepreneurs and successful leaders each week. Its mission is to help local businesses Get The Word Out about the important work they’re doing for their market, their community, and their profession. With a pro-business slant and a long-form interview format, guests don’t have to worry about being ambushed or talking in “sound bites.” Guests have enough time to tell their whole story and to share their insights and experience without interruptions. BusinessRadioX® hosts are business professionals interviewing their peers, drilling down on the critical issues, and delivering practical information to an engaged business audience. Business topics that are frequently covered include: Law, Finance, Healthcare, Technology, Trade Shows, B2B Marketing, Venture Capital, Training and Development and other issues impacting the business community.

Kontak Radio

Alamat 200 W M L King Blvd, Tenth Floor, Chattanooga, TN 37402
Telepon: +615-504-8939
Situs web:
Facebook: @BusinessRadioX
Twitter: @businessradiox