Share Radio

Penilaian: 5 Ulasan: 1

Share Radio is broadcast from the UK, wholly online and with a huge podcast library, all free of charge. There are thousands of programmes covering politics, economics, philosophy (all three of which seek to encourage a more egalitarian form of capitalism) and entertainment (including new tech and movie reviews), all surrounded by great instrumental folk music, and practically no ads! There's a newsletter emailed to listeners each week providing access to our latest programmes with a full editorial commentary addressing current issues. Our talk programme schedule is on our website, and the rest of the day is filled with our amazing array of instrumental folk music, with news on the hour.

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Kontak Radio

Alamat c/o The Share Foundation, 1st Floor, Ardenham Court, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8HT
Telepon: +07767337696
Situs web:
Facebook: @ShareRadioUK
Twitter: @ShareRadioUK
Youtube: @UCd-JZfHEsmscCGhTo3Xa2BA