CFNK FM 89.9

Penilaian: 5 Ulasan: 1

CFNK FM 89.9 is a broadcast Radio station from Pinehouse, Saskatchewan, Canada, providing local news & events predominantly in the Cree language.

Ulasan tentang CFNK FM 89.9

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Informasi tentang radio

The mandate of Minahik Achimowin Inc(“CFNK Radio”) is to deliver local news & events predominantly in the Cree language.

This mandate compliments the Pinehouse Vision Statement of “reclaiming our community..and promoting identity, culture, values and beliefs”. CFNK Radio/TV aims to serve the Aboriginal citizens of Pinehouse.

Kontak Radio

Alamat Minahik Achimowin Inc. PO Box 370 Pinehouse, Saskatchewan S0J 2B0
Telepon: +1 306-884-2011; +1 306-884-2016
Situs web:
Facebook: @CFNK89FM

Fax: +1 306-883-2365