Exclusively The Band

Penilaian: 5 Ulasan: 1

Roots Rock from four Canadians and one American featuring ace guitarist Robbie Robertson and some appearances by Bob Dylan. All The Band All The Time.


Lagu Teratas di Exclusively The Band

  • The Band — The Unfaithful Servant
  • The Band — Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever
  • The Band — King Harvest (Has Surely Come)
  • The Band — The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show
  • The Band — Rockin' Chair (Live-Royal Albert Hall)
  • The Band — Strawberry Wine
  • The Band — Up On Cripple Creek
  • The Band — When I Paint My Masterpiece
  • The Band — Ophelia
  • The Band — Life Is a Carnival

Ulasan tentang Exclusively The Band

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