Értékelés: 5 Vélemények: 1

WMPL 920 AM is a radio station located in Hancock, Michigan which broadcasts a talk radio format during the day and a sports radio format at night. WMPL also carries broadcasts of local high school football, basketball, and hockey games.


WMPL 920 AM vélemények

Még nincsenek vélemények a(z) WMPL 920 AM-ról.

Információ a rádióról

Your home for CBS Sports Radio and Coast to Coast AM in the Copper Country

Mitch In The Morning 6-8

Greek & Lake 8-9

Jan Tucker 9-10:30

Super Saver Hotline 11-12

Rush Limbaugh 12-3

HUGE Show 3-6

Watchdog on WallStreet - Saturdays 8-11am

Handel on the Law - Sundays 6-8am

Rádió kapcsolatok

Cím 326 Quincy St. Hancock MI 49930
Telefonszám: +906-482-3700
Facebook: @WMPL-920-AM-155650504493520
Twitter: @wmpl920
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMPL