Scanner is set up to monitor Utah Highway patrol For Sanpete, Sevier, Piute and portions of Garfield County. Also Monitoring Sevier EOC - Dispatch chanel for all EMS and FIRE in Sevier and Piute Counties, and the channel for Richfield Fire Department.
Még nincsenek vélemények a(z) Sevier County Police, Fire, and EMS-ról.
155.0250 Sevier EOC All EMS and fire in Sevier and Piute Counties
154.1450 Richfield Fire Dispatch and working chanel
155.3100 UHP North- UHP Sigurd North into Sanpete county, Salina PD and Salina Fire
155.5950 UHP South - UHP Sigurd South to Garfield County, Richfield PD
155.6700 Sevier Sheriff/Piute Sheriff, Salina PD
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