Shock Radio

Értékelés: 5 Vélemények: 1

Shock Radio is the University of Salford’s very own radio station, the station is run by students from all over the University and broadcasts twice a year during term time. Shock Radio began its life as Storm FM in the late nineties.

Shock Radio vélemények

Még nincsenek vélemények a(z) Shock Radio-ról.

Rádió kapcsolatok

Cím Shock Radio, University House, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT
Telefonszám: +0161 295 6303
Facebook: @shockradio
Twitter: @ShockRadio
Youtube: @UCAENwfIDssjx0XhRIiuqjIwfeatured
Instagram: @shock_salford