Tamil Star Radio

Értékelés: 5 Vélemények: 1

Tamil Star Radio is an important part of its listeners' everyday life. It is a community radio with "Loyal listener".


Tamil Star Radio vélemények

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Információ a rádióról

Tamil Star Radio operates on SCA (SCMO) frequency 91.1 as sublicense of JAZZ.FM91 Radio station since 2008. Tamil Star Radio reaches Tamil plus a large listener of other Tamil speaking nations. Tamil Star Radio signal covers all people living in Southern Ontario and Western New York via its signal transmitted from the CN Tower.

Rádió kapcsolatok

Cím 885 Progress Ave Toronto, Ont, M1H 3G3, Canada
Telefonszám: +reception: +1 416-438-7827, air: +1 416-438-3500, feedback: +1 647-977-5797
Facebook: @TamilStarcom

Fax: +1 416-438-7855

Skype: tamilstarfm