The Wax Altar

Évaluation: 5 Avis: 1

A very eclectic mix of tunes all curated from a lifelong collection of vinyl. Music from all over the world. At The Wax Altar, we are on a mission to save the world from musical monotony. Time to put your needle on a different groove!

Meilleurs morceaux sur The Wax Altar

  • Wax — Wax
  • Wax — Groove
  • Wax — Jukebox
  • The Chips — Rubber Biscuit
  • Wax — Get
  • Carl! — Plum
  • Kelly Lee Owens — Kingsize (Kelly Lee Owens Rework)
  • PERKINS, JOE - Little Eeefin Annie
  • Beams — Break Glass
  • Altar — Intro

Avis sur The Wax Altar

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Contacts de radio

Site Web:
Facebook: @The-Wax-Altar-108644151516929
Instagram: @waxaltar